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Digital Strategy

eStar vs. Magento

eStar provides an end-to-end eCommerce solution that will help you optimise your digital customer experience and maximise your online sales opportunities.

By partnering with eStar, your eCommerce will be hosted and maintained on a proven, reliable, and scalable platform that will provide exceptional customer experience, contain functionality that is above market standard and enable revenue success and growth. The platform is constantly improved, and provides the flexibility and adaptability to meet your growth strategy and future digital needs.

eStar vs Magento

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Is the Flagship Store Digital, or on High Street?

The customer journey is getting longer. Recently Google stated there are five digital touch points in an average customer journey in 2015, now this has increased to thirteen.  The flagship store is no longer on Pitt Street or Castlereagh Street. The biggest impact on your customers – for awareness, consideration and buying – is your digital store.

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